A Recipe For Science

Spark Imagination in Your Kiddos: Over 60 Exciting Science Experiments for Kids

It Starts Young

No matter where you are now, we all started as little scientists. What does every baby instinctively know? Crying gets results! In fact, I can’t help but think of Mikey from “Look Who’s Talking”, but I digress. An interesting read titled, Babies Are Born Scientists notes that “babies and young children learn by rationally testing hypotheses, analyzing statistics, and conducting experiments much like scientists do.” Undoubtedly, your little ones are conducting science experiments before they can even talk! Kids are naturally curious, always asking questions and experimenting with the world around them. The best way to foster this curiosity is through hands-on experiences. This list of exciting science experiments for kids offers a range of activities that turn everyday items into learning opportunities. Read on to find easy science experiments for kids.

The Choices are Many

It’s no surprise that there are countless crafts, projects, and experiments available in website blogs, books, and videos that present these activities for our kids. The subjects are endless, ranging from thermodynamics to psychology to botany. The difficulty levels vary from simple to more challenging, and the time commitment can be anything from a spontaneous 15-minute project to an all-out 3-day weekend adventure. You can choose to stay indoors for a relaxing craft or dive into a messy backyard experiment.

Give Them What They Crave

A Recipe for Science has so many science experiments (and growing) that are easy, and intermediate and more challenging for kids. All you need are simple materials, making these exciting science experiments for kids perfect for home or the classroom. You don’t need a fancy lab—just a few common supplies and an open mind. So, whether exploring chemistry, physics, biology, or Earth science, these activities cover a wide variety of science topics.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed!

You get the idea—your options are vast! That is to say, you shouldn’t feel overwhelmed while searching for the perfect activities for your little ones. When my stepson was young, he absolutely hated having messy hands. Whenever we did something that involved getting his hands dirty, we always had wipes on standby. That was just his style!

Mom frustrated searching for kid experiment...kids also frustrated.

Get Started Now

Check out these exciting science experiments for kids and see where their curiosity takes them! A Recipe for Science was created with YOU and YOUR little ones in mind. So, as mentioned earlier, we are all scientists, but we don’t all science in the same way.

Right now, we have just over 60 ‘recipes’ and counting! Check out everything we have to offer as we continue to grow this site. To customize your list, visit our Search page. Happy experimenting!

Please note: The experiment title link takes you to its Recipe Card, which includes the needed ingredients and a link to the full instructions.

Over 60 Exciting Science Experiments

1. Make Your Own Earth (book:  Rocks and Minerals! by Tom Casteel) – A sweet science experiment for kids that explores Geology. Children can visualize and understand the concept of geological layers.

2. Orange Fizz (from Science Fun for Everyone!) – A citrusy science experiment for kids that explores chemistry specifically acids and bases.

3. Gorgeous Gooey Gobstoppers (from Science Fun for Everyone!) – A visual spectacle that teaches kids about colors, patience, and observation, all while exploring physical chemistry.

4. Leaf Chromatography Experiment (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – This chemistry experiment unveils nature’s hidden colors using a few common household items.

5. Do Earthworms Like Light? (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – In this biology experiment, explore animal behavior.

6. Make It Rain (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Create clouds at home with this meteorology science experiment.

7. Why Are Eggs Egg-Shaped? (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Learn about animal morphology with this egg-cititng (I could not help myself) biology experiment.

8. Does Color Affect Taste? (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – Taste the rainbow with this edible experiment that explores sensory science in psychology.

9. How to Make Rock Candy (by One Little Project) – A classic sweet treat science experiment that introduces the science of growing crystals.

10. Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloons (by One Little Project) – Have fun with this simple chemistry experiment that investigates the relationship between acids and bases.

11. How to Make Oobleck (by One Little Project) – Try this kid friendly experiment for making oobleck that introduces non-Newtonian fluids.

12. Paper Airplane Launcher (by One Little Project) – With a few household items, explore thermodynamics with your kiddos.

13. Storm in a Glass (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – A science experiment that introduces meteorology in a fun way.

14. How to Make Borax Crystals (by One Little Project) – Borox, not just for household cleaning. -now use it for household learning! Make pretty crystals while learning about the chemistry of crystallization.

15. Jellyfish in a Bottle (by One Little Project) – This educational activity uses simple items to discover more about aquatic life teaching about buoyancy and density.

16. Candy DNA Model (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – This classic hands-on activity will be a treat for kids; they learn about the DNA molecule and get to eat candy.

17. DIY Stethoscope (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – This craft project is simple with few items needed but will fascinate your little ones as they discover the sounds of the human body.

18. DNA from Strawberries (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – Quick and easy molecular biology experiment that lets your little one examine DNA from a strawberry.

19. Make a Bouncy Ball (by One Little Project) – This craft project is both educational and fun. It’s an introduction into polymer chemistry science that ends with a fun bouncy ball.

20. Pumpkin Fizzy Art (by One Little Project) – Simple and quick, this fun activity project is a great introduction to acid-base reactions all while creating art. Perfect for little, little ones.

21. Dissolving Candy (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – Delicious candy experiment made for the Halloween season. Let your kid’s discover chemistry fun using their favorite treats!

22. Rainbow in a Glass (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – A fun, simple density experiment. Skittles come in so many colors. How many colors will you and your kiddos create in your rainbow?

23. Balloon Car (by One Little Project) – Anybody up for a race? This building project introduces kids to physics in a very memorable way. Have them learn about motion and construction with this project while creating a cool craft.

24. Snow Melt Weather Science Experiment (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Turn a snow day into a fun learning day. Quick to set up, see how different materials affect how snow melts.

25. Soil Erosion (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – This is a hands-on geology activity that is quick and easy but demonstrates soil erosion using cookies or crackers or cookies.

26. How to Make a Lava Lamp (by One Little Project) – Groovy much! Here’s a throwback, craft project that is easy to do and easy to learn from with the bonus of being your little one’s night light.

27. Polar Bear Blubber (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Brrr! This simple experiment is an easy way to ‘play’ polar bear. Few items needed and EXTRA experiments possible – stay warm!

28. Make a Crystal Geode (by Rocks and Minerals!) – Geode rocks are so pretty. This geology experiment will make a cool craft that the kiddos can keep and admire.

29. Egg in a Vinegar Experiment (by One Little Project) – Simple chemical reaction experiment that uses on-hand items and leaves your little on with a squishy hands-on learning experience.

30. How to Make Salt Crystals (by One Little Project) – This is a classic experiment that the kiddos will love because they can watch as they grow their own custom crystals.

31. How Do Leaves Breathe? (by KC Edventures) – Get in touch with nature in this biology observational experiment that helps your kids see how plants breathe.

32. Water Cycle in a Bag (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – This geology project is quick to setup and gives your kids an up-close look at how water changes physically within a day.

33. Paperclips and Science (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – Have fifteen minutes? Then that’s enough time to experience physics on small scale in this water experiment.

34. Crayon Rock Cycle (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – Did you know that rocks have cycles? Use this Geology project to show your little ones the colorful stages of a rock’s transformation.

35. Snowstorm in a Jar (by One Little Project) – Simple yet beautiful ‘snow’ in a jar science experiment for your little ones. This one features a few basic chemistry reactions.

36. How to Make Underwater Magic Sand (by One Little Project) – How do you make boredom disappear? With ‘magic sand’ of course! It takes some time to make but you can save it and it reuse over and over again for fun…and learning.

37. Changing of the Leaves (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – This is a perfect fall time experiment that mixes both chemistry and biology with a bonus activity of leaf collecting.

38. Rain, Rain, Don’t Go Away Rain Gauge (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Do you have a budding meteorologist? Find out, grab a few household items and set up this Earth science experiment – rain not included.

39. How to Make Two Ingredient Metamucil Slime (by One Little Project) – The simplest slime you could ever make. I wouldn’t advise eating this chemistry project.

40. Dancing Popcorn (by One Little Project) – Does your child love to dance? Does your little one like popcorn? Here’s a chemistry project that combines both – pop a bag and watch!

41. Elephant Toothpaste (by One Little Project) – This project is an explosion of chemistry that will need space.

42. Super Cool Soda (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – File this under ‘science you can eat.’ Thermodynamics has never been so good. Your little one will enjoy learning crystallization.

43. Balloon Speakers (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – If you are looking for a science experiment that only needs one thing to get started, this one is it. Teach your little one about sound waves in this simple acoustics project.

44. Water Xylophone (by Little Bins for Little Hands) – The second simplest acoustics experiment, behind Balloon Speakers, is this one. Make and tune your own instruments.

45. Stop a Strainer (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Everyone knows oil and water do not mix. Try this experiment to see that in action.

46. How to Make Fizzing Lemonade (by One Little Project) – This simple activity combines both science and a refreshing drink that your kiddos are sure to love.

47. Lemon Penny Polish (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Who does not have a dull penny (or other coin)? This science activity will show the cleaning power of food.

48. Floating Egg (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Year-round density science experiment here but could be a perfect partner for summertime to learn about flotation.

49. Oil and Water Sensory Bottle (by One Little Project) – This one is a keeper! Your kiddos will love learning about chemistry and get to keep this project .

50. How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag (by One Little Project) – This one is made for a hot day. Three scoops of chemistry away from cooling off with this chemistry experiment your little one will devour.

51. Massive Expanding Soap (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – An explosion of fun and learning that teaches thermodynamics. Get cooking with this simple educational activity.

52. Super Sound Popper (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Is it getting a little too quiet around your house? This quick and easy acoustics activity is a perfect way to introduce your kids to physics.

53. How to Make a Tornado in a Jar (by One Little Project) – With just five ingredients, get ready to whip up a mini tornado. Encourage your budding meteorologist with this quick physics project.

54. How to Make Fluffy Slime (by One Little Project) – Who says slime can’t be fluffy? Not me. And with this slime recipe, you can introduce your little ones to chemistry – polymer chemistry. Or make your third batch of slime because let’s face it – kid’s love slime!

55. Snow Fluff (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Looking for simple, tactile and educational activity? This chemistry experiment is a keeper (literally). Bonus if you live in a warmer climate.

56. Snow on the Pond (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Bring the outside to the inside with this chemistry experiment.

57. Oobleck Stress Ball (by One Little Project) – Ever heard of non-Newtonian fluid? With this physics concoction, your child can create a stress ball that’s neither just a solid nor liquid.

58. Popsicle Stick Catapult (by One Little Project) – Do you have a future architect? This physics activity let’s your little one build a mini medieval projectile.

59. Cool Crystals (by Science Fun for Everyone!) – Hot water yields cool results in this crystal chemistry project. Quick to set up, get started now!

60. Dish Soap Silly Putty (by One Little Project) – Looking for both silly and educational? All you need are two ingredients to get started. This non-Newtonian fluid, chemistry project will surely keep your little ones entertained.

61. Bouncing Bubbles (by One Little Project) – What do bubbles and physics have in common? It’s what keeps these bubbles bouncing. Find out in this science activity.

More is on the way…

Because can there really ever be too much? Stay tuned for more experiments, more crafts and more activities. This site is here to help you explore with your littles and keep their minds challenged. Have you ever heard of, ‘party with a purpose?’ All it really means is have fun while learning. Leave the frustration behind; search and discover what works for you. Now that you have found an organized, one-stop place for endless activities, shame on you if you spend any more time hunting for ideas…Feed their knowledge with A Recipe for Science!


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